About Us.

Ferafolia is a community located in West Kwara’ae Highlands, part of the larger Malaita Highlands Region in the Solomon Islands. It is at the forefront of 3 decades of resistance against large-scale unsustainable logging and exploitation of community resources. Ferafolia places value on the sanctity of decision-making by people, pursues the idea of keeping intact its ecosystems and restoring cultural and environmental relationships. Our mission is to address youth unemployment, promote self-reliance, and build an integrated development strategy that is sustainable and environmentally friendly. Ferafolia is guided by its Vision, Mission, and its Values as set out in its Charter.

Who we are

The Ferafolia Community is driven by the principles stipulated in our charter. Our mission is to address youth unemployment, promote self-reliance, and build an integrated development strategy that is sustainable and environmentally friendly. We recognized the value our culture holds and want to share this uniqueness with the rest of the world. We are the following:

– Community Trust Board
– Incorporated as NGO
– A local and global community
– 50 years of experience in multiple sectors