
Ferafolia Community Charter


Peace & Security
  • We believe that peace and security is essential to the progress and prosperity of our community;
  • When there are disagreements and conflicts we will find the best way to solve these as quickly as possible so that everyone can continue to enjoy peace and security.
  • We condemn all acts of violence in our community;
  • We want our community to be a leading example to other communities on how to live in peace with each other in the community.
Tolerance, Respect and Understanding
  • We emphasize the need to promote tolerance, respect, and understanding for all people, both male and female and young and old;
  • We recall that the respect for the dignity of all human beings is critical to promoting peace and prosperity;
  • We accept that diversity and understanding the richness of our multiple identities are fundamental to the West Kwara’ae Highlands Region;
  • We accept religious freedom is essential to the development of our free and democratic society.
Freedom of views
  • We are committed to peaceful, open dialogue and free flow of relevant information through our leaders and through responsible media and to enhancing our tradition of an open community with democratic and fair processes.
Rule of Law
  • We subject ourselves to the law of the Solomon Islands.
  • We subject ourselves to the fair processes under customary law but also ultimately to the independent, honest, and competent courts of the Solomon Islands;
  • We accept these commitments as important for the purposes of justice and to improve the public image of our region
Good Governance
  • We reiterate our commitment to promote good governance through our fair customs and the rule of law, to ensure transparency and accountability, and to root from our communities’ corrupt and dishonest practices.
Sustainable Development
  • We recognize that using our resources in a sustainable way can eradicate poverty whilst also preserving and conserving our natural ecosystems;
  • We are committed to building economic resilience and promoting social equity;
  • We reiterate the value of technical assistance, capacity building, and practical cooperation in promoting development;
  • We also recognize the importance of information and communication technologies as powerful tools for our development in delivering efficient services as well as promoting education, learning, and sharing of our culture.
  • We are committed to enhancing its use for advancing our societies.
Access to Health, Education, Food and Shelter
  • We recognize the necessity of access to affordable health care, education, clean drinking water, sanitation, and houses for all members of our community;
  • We emphasize the importance of promoting health and well-being in combating communicable and non-communicable diseases;
  • We recognize the right of everyone to have access to safe, sufficient, and nutritious food.
Men and Women
  • We recognize that boys and girls are equal and women’s empowerment are essential for them to look after their children and the future generations well;
  • The advancement of education of girls and fair treatment of women are critical preconditions for strong communities and sustainable development.
Importance of young people
  • We recognize the positive and active role and contributions of young people in promoting peace and development in our community;
  • The future success of the Ferafolia Community rests with the continued commitment and contributions of young people in promoting a sustainable community and these values and principles we commit to in this Charter;
  • We commit to investing in and promoting young people’s development especially through the creation of opportunities for youth entrepreneurship and development.


Vision statement
  • To create communities that honor God, embrace neighbors, and respect nature


Mission statement
  • Create spaces for spiritual experience
  • Build and strengthen relationships among people
  • Restore relationships where they are broken
  • Care for nature