CBSI conducts NFIS-3 and NDES-1 consultation with Auki-Stakeholder

The Central Bank of Solomon Islands in partnership with UNCDF -PFIP has successfully conducted a half day consultation workshop with Auki Stakeholders on Tuesday 29th as part of the initiative to develop the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS-3) 2021-2025 and the National Digital Economic Strategy (NDES).

During the workshop, Deputy Governor of CBSI Raynold Moveni in his opening remarks explained the importance of the consultation.
“With the current financial landscape and ongoing infrastructure development such as undersea cable and communications network, we need to strategize to fully utilize such developments to deliver financial services and to address our specific challenges to enable penetration of financial services to the rural populace,” he said.
“The discussions today will assist to develop the NFIS 3 2021-2025 that will address inclusiveness of financial services and reach the rural populace, furthermore to also assist in the development of the NDES with the aim to help leverage technology to improve business processes, provide convenient access to markets and bridge the digital divides,” Moveni emphasized.
The consultation workshop was conducted with the assistance of UNCDF-PFIP and PHB Development TA, Mr. Sanjay Shah who was engaged to provide technical expertise to CBSI for the development of NFIS3 and to the Solomon Islands Government for the development of the NDES.
Around fifteen key stakeholders in Auki-Malaita took part in the consultation discussion.

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